CareerCamp 的职业导师拥有近15年丰富的专业经验,帮助过近70个文化背景、不同领域的1100余名求职者成功在加拿大就业。CareerCamp 拥有一套独树一帜的求职就业培训方法,其中包括独创的高效简历写法和融入心理学的面试技巧等,能高效构建和提高在求职过程中需要的软技能和自信心。
CareerCamp 拥有 一支由加拿大各行业真正的专家所组成的非凡的导师团队。他们以内行的角度和经验,为求职学员和客户提供宝贵的专业提点与指导。CareerCamp 职场俱乐部是一个由会员组成的小社区和互帮互助平台,鼓励并推动信息交流,提供支持和资源,从而帮助会员的个人和职业发展。培养更多的职场精英和未来领袖。
CareerCamp® delivers one-stop job searching services with guaranteed results through systematic, logical, and practical services. The customized 3-module of programs, Career Planning, Training & Coaching, and Employment Consulting, are customized to address the unique challenges faced by each candidate to build the soft skills and confidence in navigating the job search process across sectors. CareerCamp brings distinctive improvements in their clients’ job searching performance to get them hired and achieve long-term success in Canada and beyond.
张学勇移民公司持有曼省政府颁发的劳工就业商业执照,辅助和培训技术工人寻找安排雇主成功就业, 是持有此类营业执照的少数几个曼省移民公司。